Dietary nutrients not only fuel human cells but also serve as nutrients for the microbes residing in the human intestine. Therefore, diet is vital in shaping the gut microbiota composition, functionality and activity throughout life.

The region is home to several excellent research environments and companies with a strong focus on elucidating the interplay between diet, the microbiota and health. Such insights have the potential to enable the development of personalized nutrition strategies and functional foods such as prebiotics targeting the gut microbiome in different age groups and health conditions.

Highlights from the region

Glycom, is a spin-out company of the Technical University of Denmark bought by DSM for 5.7 billion DKK in early 2020. Glycom is a recent example of a Danish company that, together with academic research groups, managed to develop and produce an ingredient for infant formula. The formula builds on insights from the interplay between breast milk and the infant gut microbiome.

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Examples of publications led by researchers affiliated to the region

Meslier, Laiola, Roager et al. (2020). Mediterranean diet intervention in overweight and obese subjects lowers plasma cholesterol and causes changes in the gut microbiome and metabolome independently of energy intake. Gut

Ericson et al. (2019) A Health-Conscious Food Pattern Is Associated with Prediabetes and Gut Microbiota in the Malmö Offspring Study. Journal of Nutrition

Roager, Vogt et al. (2019) A wholegrain-rich diet reduces body weight and systemic low-grade inflammation without inducing major changes of the gut microbiome: A randomised cross-over trial. Gut

Ghaffarzadegan et al. (2019) Postprandial Responses of Serum Bile Acids in Healthy Humans after Ingestion of Turmeric before Medium/High‐Fat Breakfasts. Molecular Nutrition & Food Research

Leth et al. (2018) Differential Bacterial Capture and Transport Preferences Facilitate Co-Growth on Dietary Xylan in the Human Gut. Nature Microbiology

Hansen, Roager, Søndertoft, Gøbel et al. (2018). A low-gluten diet induces changes in the intestinal microbiome of healthy Danish adults. Nature Communications

Examples of projects within the segment

3G Center (Gut, Grains and Greens) - Center for Gut Microbiota, Metabolic disorders, and Grain/Fibre-based Diets 

DINAMIC - Diet-induced Arrangement of the gut Microbiome for Improvement of Cardiometabolic health 

PRIMA - Towards Personalized Dietary Recommendations Based on the Interaction between Diet, Microbiome and Abiotic Conditions in the Gut

SIMBA - Sustainable Innovation of MicroBiome Applications in food system