Perfect location for conducting clinical trials
If you want the optimal environment to conduct clinical trials then look no further. Within Medicon Valley, the life science cluster of Greater Copenhagen, the infrastructure and processes needed for fast, efficient trials are already in place. You will find easy access to the hospital system with smooth implementation and quick approval. All designed to support your commercial success.

Some of the other valuable resources in Medicon Valley that you can have access to include Statens Serum Institute (SSI); experts in infection control, research into infectious, autoimmune, congenital and genetic diseases, and BBMRI, the Swedish national biobank platform for research, including the Regional Biobanks.
Clinical Studies Sweden Forum South and Trial Nation are two accessible and highly experienced organisations dedicated to securing clinical trial success for your company. The unique set up of the two organisations means they can offer a one-stop approach which supports all the stages of the clinical process.
Clinical Studies Sweden Forum South
Clinical Studies Sweden is a collaboration between Sweden’s six healthcare regions, funded and supported by the Swedish Research Council. Forum South is the regional node for Sweden’s southern healthcare region. Life science companies and academic researchers can, through Clinical Studies Sweden, get help with investigating the ability of conducting a study in Sweden (country/early feasibility), as well as help to identify interested clinicians / examiners who can perform clinical studies (site feasibility).
Find out more about feasibilities
Trial Nation
Trial Nation has direct access to a series of clinical specialty centres (dementia, dermatology, hematology, infectious disease, oncology, pediatrics and respiratory disease) where patients can be recruited fast. Pre-feasibility and feasibility review is done within five days (average for 2020 was two days) and pre-made CTA/CDAs help expedite the process.
Find out more about what Trial Nation can offer
Reasons for choosing Medicon Valley for clinical trials
- Quality assured process with a high level of predictability
- Active support in finding and accessing the right patients
- Easy access to the healthcare system
- Unique set-up of health registers and bio banks
- Clinical trial support
- Efficient and quick approval and implementation
Contact us to find out more about opportunities to conduct clinical trials in Medicon Valley.